أسئلة شائعة

1. How do I check my scoreboard?

  • Open your quiz URL in the same browser where you had created the quiz. Then scroll down to check your scoreboard.

  • For example: If you have created quiz in chrome browser, then open your quiz URL in chrome and scroll down to check your scoreboard.

2. How do I delete my UNWANTED names on my scoreboard?

  • Open your quiz URL in the same browser from where you had created the quiz.

  • Now scroll down to check your scoreboard.

  • You would find a TRASHCAN button 🗑️beside your friends-name & score.

  • Click on the button to delete the UNWANTED name.

3. How do I delete my quiz?

  • Open your quiz URL in the same browser from where you had created the quiz.

  • Now scroll down, click on "Delete & Create New Quiz" button and your quiz is deleted.